Tuesday, January 11, 2022

Dont look Up


A story brought to the screen by Adam McKay, about a couple astronomers who discover an approaching comet that will destroy earth.
Leonardo DiCaprio as Dr Randall Mindy. It is funny to see him in the uncool role. He is just a scientist trying to get his point across and failing. Still the government wants to use him as the face of the fight against the comet and it kind of goes to his head.
Jennifer Lawrence as Kate Dibiasky. She is kind of like Mindy's assistant. However she is constantly pissed about how the government is ignoring it. Or more worried about how they spin the crises to the media and the public. This pisses her off and she has no filter.
Jonah Hill as Jason Orlean the president's son. Who is great as a complete asshole. Most of his comments are hilarious and clueless at the same time.
Those three are the highlights of this very dry and funny story.
Still lets not forget that the film also has Cate Blanchett; Mark Rylance; Timothee Chalamet; and Tyler Perry, all giving very good performances.

Adam McKay brings the dry humor, making fun of society. In such a disaster...people will be top busy on their phones or too self absorbed to care. The ending is being criticized but, I think it had to end this way with people being so self involved, or figuring out how I can make this problem work for me, or make money for me they forget to deal with the problem!!

My problem with the film is it is way to long. 2:30 hours!! It really needed editing. I kind of phased out on the back end because the film was going nowhere. A movie of this type, has to stay tight and focused and short. Editing Editing!!

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for this funny and dry, sadly waaaay over long film.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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