Friday, January 7, 2022



During the Christmas Holidays with the royal family at the Sandringhan Estate in Norfolk England. Diana Spencer is on the verge of a mental breakdown. She realizes that now is the time to think about leaving her marriage.

Spoiler Free.

If you are a frequent visitor to my blog you know I am a huge fan of  Kristen Stewart. People say she is moody and unpleasant. I say she knows her channel and she stays there and only once and awhile goes outside of it. I am okay with that. Here, in Spencer, she delivers an Oscar worthy performance.

It's just too bad the story by Director Pablo Larrain and Writer Steven Knight is extremely flat.
I was in it, to see the last days of Diana with the Royals before she left...little did I know, not much happened.

The Good: We get to see the control of the royal family with, taking away people close to her; not letting her eat what she wants; and they seem to be always watching.
The bad: Often I am thinking while watching Spencer, " How do we know her thoughts?; How do we know she has imaginary people around her?" So many things I felt were made up and they were just guessing her thoughts. There is no witness of her actions. It bothered me. Yet, worst of all, it was pretty boring, nothing much happened. Which makes this film a waste of an idea.

3 stars out of 5 for Spencer. Mainly 3 stars  due to Stewart's performance and maybe some small revelations, and thats about all.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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