Monday, January 10, 2022

Nightmare Alley

Nightmare Alley 

Based on a 1947 film. An Ambitious Carny, Stanton (Bradley Cooper),with a talent for manipulating people, hooks up with a female psychiatrist Lilith Ritter (Cate Blanchett) who wants in on the scam. She may be more dangerous than he is.

I have to note, and I know it is unpopular to note, I am not a big fan of Guillermo Del Toro directed films. I know!! I get easily confused. I feel he is more into a look than a concise storyline. That being noted this is my favorite film he has directed, with The Shape Of Water next.
This script reminded me of There Will Be Blood with the mood and time period. There is definitely a full circle story, No Spoilers. 

Them Bradley Cooper for the 2nd time this year playing against type (usually he is the good guy), here giving an Oscar Nod worthy performance as Stan.  Very sinister at the same time trying to justify his actions constantly.
Rooney Mara as Stan's partner and love Molly. Again playing against type here. Rooney usually plays the outsider...the one who watches..the smart one in the room. Here she plays the follower. I have to say, I had to look up halfway through to see who this was. I really did not recognize her. She is really good in a quiet way.
Toni Collette as Zeena who takes Stan under her wings in the beginning ..but then is forgotten..because Stan needs to get out quick.
Cate Blanchett as Dr Lilith Ritter...another good performance!! I remember in The Greatest Showman, Zendaya said "Everybody has an Angle", what is hers?
Oh lets not forget: William Dafoe; Richard Jenkins; David Strathairn; Ron Perlman are all in this!!!
What a cast.
-The look. Wonderful. Dirty and dark. Symbolic of the storyline.

-2 hours and 30 minutes was waaaaaay too long to get where we ended up. Editor where were you??!!
-This is just personal. I find during these times I look for upbeat endings. I know I gave West Side Story 4 .5 stars, yet West has hope. Lesson learned. spoiler.

4 stars out of 5 for Nightmare Alley. Intriguing story. With a fantastic cast.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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