Monday, January 3, 2022



It's a fun, yet forgettable action film. Both men want to go to jail. Teddy (Frank Grillo) punches a police officer to get locked up to stay away from bad guy. Bob (Gerard Butler) intentionally runs into a police car to get locked up, he is said bad guy. Or is Teddy a bad guy? Or both?

Well acted by Grillo and Butler. Also fantastic performance by Alexis Louder as Officer Young, she kind of steals the film.
Director Joe Carnaham does a great job of using this one set police station as a cramped, tight claustrophobic, battle ground. This makes this film almost seem like a western shootout, who to trust and how do get out without being shot.

This film almost became frustrating. It went on for an hour and fifty minutes. It was much too long for this story to play out. It really needed some editing. It is such a tight atmosphere the screenplay should have been tighter. It almost felt like it had a Marvel movie complex, " I know the last battle is 15 minutes but lets stretch it to 30 minutes so people will get more action". Unnecessary. I think that long back end of the film was frustrating which added to just an unlikable ending.

Still the performances push this through and it is a neat, different screenplay, 3 out of 5 stars for COPSHOP.  Worth a look. 

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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