Saturday, January 8, 2022

The Eternals


The story of The Eternals, a group of immortal beings who have lived here on Earth and shaped its history and civilizations.

Okay let me get right to it:

-Too many characters period. What Marvel did right was the slow build. Each member of the Avengers we knew very well before they became, well, The Avengers. , they had their own spotlight before the Avengers. Here in The Eternals, we did not know all these characters and there was no time for us to be attached to any of them. There are to many characters for there to be any character development. That is a huuuuuge problem. I mean one character dies and we are suppose to cry I think. There was not enough   character development.
-The story by Director Chloe Zhao; and writer Patrick Burleighis long and muddled. There is a story about ancient aliens living on earth that will rise and...well do something. It is so convoluted that often the characters have to stop and explain what is going to happen. Even with the explanation I had trouble caring and kept thinking..I will keep watching maybe then I will understand.

-There are some really good performances.....
Gemma Shan as Sersi
Bryab Tyree Henry as Phastos
Kit Harrington as Dane
Kumail Nanjiani as Kinjo pretty much steals this movie with his humor and has the best lines.

2 1/2 stars out of 5 for The Eternals. 2 1/2 for the performances (Angelina Jolie and Salma Hayek what were you thinking) and and some action. It is almost on the level of Flash Gordon from 1980. Its sorta confusing but you cannot stop watching.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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