Sunday, January 9, 2022



It is the late 60's in Belfast Ireland. We see the uprising between Catholics and Protestants, mostly through the eyes of a young boy.

This the a semi-autobiographical story written and directed by Kenneth Branagh. At first glance you think the story just lays there, however there is something more. It is an interesting story about family and property. As a neighborhood changes, do you stay with your piece of land you purchased or give in and move to brighter days somewhere else.

Branagh gives us a wonderful little script highlighted by really good performances:
Jude Hill as Buddy. Jude is a new comer that is a wonderful find. He becomes the eyes of the innocent in Belfast. Plus...he has a crush on a young girl which distracts him lol.
Caroline Balfe as Ma. Yes no name just Ma. She gives an Oscar worthy performance here. With her husband away she is trying to keep the house standing and family together.
Ciaran Hinds as Pop. Please Please give him an Oscar for this!!! So soft. So loving and funny.
Jamie Dornan as Pa. Yes that Jamie Dornan. Oh my, a small role, yet very rememberable, as a good father and husband with...some faults.

Throw in Judi Dench; some Van Morrison music; and filmed in black and white with a grey got yourself a lovely film.

Only fault I find is the movie is almost too quiet and the ending is kinda flat..almost sad.

4 stars out of 5 for Belfast. Is it a reflection of our society today. As violence increases in the cities in America, people who love their home have to make the same decision sadly.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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