Monday, January 24, 2022

Redeeming Love

Redeeming Love

Angel was sold into prostitution at a young age, and she knows noithing but betrayal. WhenMichael comes into her life, things become to change or maybe unravel.

Well, this film, is well acted:
Abigail Cowen as Angel is the highlight of this movie. She is really good in this role. I mean she is not pleasant that is for sure, still...she has us the viewer, liking her and pulling for her. 
Tom Lewis is Michael. It is not a stretch of a role but he plays off Cowen nicely.

This Christian based film is not an easy watch. I mean women are getting beaten; raped; and taken advantage of. Then you have the angry Angel who for most of the movie is kind of a jerk. A couple times I thought...Michael RUN AWAY!!! It is billed as a love story that really does not pan out until the last minute, and that reward for watching the bad stuff for so long is not long enough.

So sadly, I would give Redeeming Love 2 out of 5 stars.

Thanks for your time as always, from the shadows.

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