Wednesday, January 5, 2022

Ron's Gone Wrong


This is the story of awkward middle schooler Barney. Who wants a connected device hos family says he does not need. Enter Ron his slightly malfunctioned device.

-This is a nice story directed by Sarah Smith and Jon Philppe Vine. We all know it is a reflection of our society and cell-phones. Plus a reflection of being young, in modern day life. The cell-phone not only get a phone but the best. Not bowing to pressure and maybe not having the best is okay. Also pressure on the parents by the child. 
- Clearly Ron has a little Betta Max in him. I felt like it was stolen. But it's okay. The voice work by Ron is done by none other than Zach Galifianakis!! He was perfect!! Ron going wrong is the highlight of this film. Many funny moments. 

-I see this often. Writers of animated movies have a great idea. Ron's Gone Wrong is a wonderful idea. However they do not know where to go with it. The ending here felt sloppy and thrown together and ran away from the real heart of the film. It ended up being a story of saving Ron and fighting corporate power. It is a shame.

My negative drops this film down to 3 1/2 out of 5 stars for Ron's Gone Wrong. For awhile I felt like Raya And The Dragon had competition for best animated film. Alas, the back end hurt its chances. Still it is a funny entertaining film.

From the shadows thank you for your time!

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