Thursday, January 6, 2022

Last Night In Soho


Directed by Edgar Wright. Screenplay by Edgar Wright and Krysty Wilson-Cairns. This is the story of an aspiring fashion designer Eloise (Thomasin McKenzie),who is taking her classes in Soho in the UK. She starts having visions of life in Soho in the 1960's. Slowly these visions get darker.

This film is debated. Many cannot stand it. Still there are people like me, who appreciate it. So what I am saying is, odds are you are going to disagree with me here...and that is okay.

-Wright, just as he did in the wonderful Baby Driver, uses music and quick edits to keep your attention there in a world where people have a Tik Tok attention span.
-The look and design by set designer Jude Farr is fantastic,switching in a snap from the 60's to present day.
-Costume design by Odile Dicks-Mireaux is worthy of an Oscar nod
-The screenplay keeps you guessing. What is this? A ghost story? A horror? A story of someone with psychological issues? What is it? You don't see it coming for sure.
-Performances by two of my favorite actors: Thomasin McKenzie as Eloise and Anya Taylor Joy as Sandie. Just wonderful, both often saying so much with just a look or an expression. Just great. 

- Just one. The ending fell flat. I mean it is a long way to go for the ending. No spoilers. I angry at Sandie...Ugh

Still 4 1/2 stars out of 5 for Last Night In Soho. This year I think after feeling like I see the same thing over and over, I appreciate someone trying something different. Edgar Wright tried something different and kept me on the edge to the end.

From the shadows as alway thanks for your time

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