Monday, January 24, 2022

The Rescue


This documentary follows the attempted rescue of 12 boys and their coach stuck in flooded caves in Thailand.

The secret to watching this film is to not look up any information and just turn it on Disney+ or pay to stream it.
Put together by Directors Jimmy Chin and Elizabeth ChaiVasarhelyi (Free Solo), they keep the tension very high. The video often is edge of your seat frightening. I often thought, this is more exciting then 90 percent of the action films I see, and this is real!!!!!!!!!!!!!
As the saying goes, real heroes don't wear capes. When the Thai Navy Seals, realize they do not have the skills in these dark caves, they have to call on some cave divers from outside the country:
Rick Stanton 60
John Volanthen 50
Dr Richard "Harry" Harris 57
Look at those ages. So when they show up in Thailand, there is this confusion by the Seals, they are going to have to rely on these old men, who are amateur divers. They usually do this for fun and excitement and here they are with the world watching.

This is a cannot miss film. I am not telling you what happens but the final idea of how to rescue these kids and the coach is batshit crazy.

I wanted more on the backend..follow ups. I felt there was not enough closure, I mean we took the long trip follow up with everyone!!

4 1/2 stars out of 5 for The Rescue. This should win the Oscar for best documentary.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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