Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Film Review: Daddy's Home 2

Image result for daddy's home 2

Directed by Sean Anders
Screenplay by Sean Anders; Brian Burns; and John Morris
Starring Will Ferrell; Mark Wahlberg; John Lithgow; and Mel Gibson

Coming off Bad Mom's 2 Comes the Daddy's!!

This should be a quick review.
This film is being ripped by critics ...of course it is...most critics are no fun.
Why do you go see this film?
To laugh.
To get the Christmas feels.
It delivered for sure.

Laughs? Yes. But not the laughs you would expect. The many Will Ferrell pratfalls....well...fall flat.
However the writing...the lines...are often funny. I laughed a lot and so did many people in my screening. (However the manger scene that made no sense, was still funny)
The Christmas feels? Yes. A very corny ending, to a point it went beyond a Hallmark Christmas corny ending. It is Christmas!!! So touchy feely and funny works for me here.

Yes it has problems:
Tone. Who is this for? Some of the subjects or jokes are...well not for the whole family. Maybe some things like hooker jokes and dad sneaking away with women will go over some family members......maybe.
Mel Gibson. I know people are excited (Some not so much) to see him in front of the camera and not behind. However he looks so uncomfortable. Awkward. Often he is hard to watch. delivers what you want. I have to be honest though...a lot of the physical comedy fails if not all, and again there is a tone problem. 2 1/2 stars out of 5. It is better than Bad Moms 2 that is for sure and better than what the critics say.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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