Saturday, November 11, 2017

New Film Review: Murder On The Orient Express

Image result for murder on the orient express 2017

Directed by Kenneth Branagh
Based on the book by Agatha Christie
Screenplay by Michael Green
Starring Kenneth Branagh and a bunch of stars.

Did you ever walk out of a movie theater and think...aaaahhhh okay.
I did this here.
Let me break it down to the good and bad:
The good:
-The film has a great a point I felt the cold atmosphere added to the coldness of the murder on the train.
-Branagh is really good here. He is believable serious and smart and yet often funny. I would look forward to seeing him/his character in another film. He may be looking at some nominations during award season
Well now the bad:
-Why? Why was this even made? It has been done. I do not get it. It is really not that exciting of a story. Plus I did not care for the victim, why as a viewer do I need to invest 2 hours to see the killer of an ...unlikable person.
-A train full of stars...big stars. They are pretty good, and it is fun to see them all in this one film. However they barely speak. They do not really shine. They bore me.
-HOLES!! If the killer...who had time to some more time...the body could have been easily thrown off the train in the night. Thus no body...people think he fell off...oh over..

A well acted film by Branagh. A beautiful looking movie. That makes me pretend I never heard about the story. 2 1/2 out of 5. I think the critics are kissing up to the movie stars here with positive reviews...but I would wait for home viewing or better yet read the book. AAAAAHHHH!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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