Thursday, November 2, 2017

New Film Review: Thor Ragnarok

Image result for thor ragnarok

Directed by Taika Waititi
Screenplay by Eric Pearson; Craig Kyle; and Christopher Yost
Starring Chris Hemsworth; Tom Hiddleston; Cate Blanchett; Idris Elba; Jeff Goldblum; and Tessa Thompson

I have to start with something that bothered me tonight. I went to my screening and it was a full screening. At the end of the film there are scenes during the credits and after the credits. So everybody left the theater at the same time. One asshole decided to go out the emergency door. Now it is a dark theater still, so when that door opened some people jumped, some froze. Again..aaaahhh you do realize that is an emergency door... it is for an emergency. That door was used in Colorado for access by a murderer while another superhero film was showing. How can someone not think that!!! Just saying...I have hundreds of followers spread the patient and use the right exit!!!

Well as for my review. If you follow my blog you know I am "superheroed" out, so here comes Thor Ragnarok...the best superhero film of the year, including the overrated Wonder Woman.

This film does a lot right:
-The script is soooo funny. One of the funniest films of the year. Hemsworth showed his comic timing in Ghostbusters and in the new Vacation. You have to think the writers saw it and used that wonderful comic timing. Hiddleston plays a really good straight man here to Hensworth.
-The script is clean. It is not confusing (Except the thing god at the end), it is pretty much a family battle for control. It also does not overstay its welcome coming in at 2 hours and not over playing the last battle scene.
-Introduction of well played characters: Cate Blanchet, over the top great as the evil sister Hela. Jeff Goldblum is just hilarious as the flamboyant evil Gamemaster. However the best is Tess Thompson as Valkyrie. WOW!! She was really good in a small part in Creed...but here you love her and when she is on the screen she steals the scenes.

-The film was doing well with real sets during most of the movie but the last fight got a little loose with CGI and a little confusing.
-I mentioned this over and over and over. These films lack tension because the superhero is indestructible. Here, many times, Thor falls from heights that were ridiculously high and he gets up. At one point he is in a battle, and gets his head slammed over and over again. Pretty much skull breaking slammed...but nothing happens to him, he lives. No tension. soap box again. I noted it before. We have here a PG13 film with automatic weapons. Not needed in the big picture of the film..but there they are. Will taking them out save the world? No. But in my opinion it takes away the norm of an automatic weapon. Kids are watching.

4 out of 5 for Thor Ragnarok. Very funny. Full of action. Try to see it in a full theater because it is kind of fun with a lot of people in the theater. It is a fun event film.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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