Wednesday, November 22, 2017

New Film Review: Lady Bird

Image result for lady bird movie

Directed by Greta Gerwig
Screenplay by Gretta Gerwig
Starring Saoirse Ronan; Laurie Metcalf; Tracy Letts; and Beanie Feldstein

If you follow my blog often you know I am a big Greta Gerwig fan. Now Lady Bird is written and directed by Gretta Gerwig!!! Uh oh my blinders may be up on this one...but YES!!!

This film follows the relationship between Christine McPherson or Lady Bird (Ronan) and her mother Marion (Metcalf). Lady Bird is a bit ...well.....she beats to her own drum....which makes her time in Catholic school interesting. Then she clashes with her mother who is a worrier...a little obsessive compulsive. That combination of the two women, as you can imagine, is not good.

Gerwig does a lot right. The film is quick and does not over stay its welcome. At the same time it seems to be slow enough, so that we see all the development of all the personalities on the screen. It is funny and awkward and touching.
Gerwig also put together a great cast of art house film familiar faces:
We already know there Ronan is just a wonderful actress and she does not let us down here.
Metcalf finally gets a lead part!!! And makes Gerwig look brilliant!! She is so real here that often you feel for her and often you want her to just be quiet....she is a rollercoaster of involvement!! Fantastic!!
Tracy Letts as Metcalf's hubby and Lady Bird's father...flies under the radar as the calming force of the family...but he has sad secrets. He and Ronan have great chemistry and their small moments together are just precious and he delivers a master class in acting. I know his part is quiet and soft...I hope not too soft that he gets ignored during awards season.

Are there negatives:
Yes. People are calling this the best picture of the year. I think it falls a bit short because the end ...the last 15 minutes seem rushed...and I am not sure I like the quick ending. No spoilers here but I feel  Metcalf's character deserves a final touching say.

4 out of 5 stars for Lady Bird. I left the theater thinking...just okay...but it slowly grows and stays with you. Just a poignant, funny film. Did I happen to mention to you that Greta Gerwig the wonderful actress wrote and directed this???!!! Oh I did.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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