Sunday, November 26, 2017

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A second revisit in one week!!!
30 years ago this of the best, if not the best Thanksgiving films of all time (See Pieces Of April you decide) was released to your local cinema.

So A Revisit!!!!!!!!!!! I know!!! Those Aren't Pillows!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Well here we go with fun and not so fun facts!!!!

-John Hughes shot over six hundred thousand feet of film. More than double the average at the time.
There is a 3 hour version out there of this movie but Hughes said it is in the vault at Paramount. Hughes stated before he passed that the film is most likely deteriorated (Wouldn't you love to get your hands on them or see this!!!).
-Back to the length ...when Steve Martin received the script it was 155 pages. Most comedies are 90 pages. Still he was sold on two parts...1- The seat adjustment scene. 2- The scene at the rental car desk.
-Speaking of that rental car place...The famous scene was one minute long from the time he started his tirade. He used the F bomb 18 times...which caused the film to get an R rating.
-In a shocking tidbit...No Lie...The original plot was Candy being a bumbling vampire trying to get Martin to invite him home because that is the only way a vampire can enter a house. Thankfully they changed the plot to a more emotional real film.
-List of cameo's:
Ben Stein was the airport announcer
Kevin Bacon as taxi guy
Michael Mckean as a state trooper
Edie McGlurg as the car rental agent.
Charles Tyner as Gus
- The El Rancho hotel is no longer called the El Rancho...What are they thinking???!!!
-When the rental car burns, look at the says 106 miles to Chicago. That was a direct reference, tip of the cap to The Blues Brothers line.."It's one hundred six miles to Chicago....".
-The rural train station used in the movie was the same station used in one of my favorite films The Natural.
-John Candy stated this was his all time favorite movie.
-The late great Roger Ebert put this in his top all time films

Me? I think today....sadly it is dated but still makes me laugh. I give it 4 1/2 out of 5 stars.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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