Friday, November 17, 2017

New Film Review Justice League

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Directed by Zack Snyder
Screenplay by Chris Terrio and Joss Whedon
Starring Ben Affleck; Amy Adams; Gal Gadot; Ezra Miller; Jason Momoa;Ray Fisher; Jeremy Irons; and Diane Lane

Well Batman has got the Justice League together.
JLA has many problems:
-The battle story. I did not care. I do not even think I understood it. Something about three boxes that are all powerful and have energy and do something. Some bad guy with a bunch of flying thingies want to fight something. Why does it have to be so complicated??!! Why so unrealistic?!! Why not fight somebody on earth like terrorist (maybe too controversial?)? I just did not care about the bad thingy or bad guy and when they were on screen I really did not care. I was always disappointed when they showed up, it bored me
-The CGI. Waaay too much CGI. Plus the CGI often never looked good. Just bad.

Now trust me the film is all not negative...
-The cast is really good. You cant really help but love them. They are so likable. It is funny to see that actually Batman's super power is being rich. Along the other heroes he seems....less.
Batman-Speaking of Batman, I know it is not the popular choice but I do like Affleck as Batman. He seems more human, he sports a little grey hair. He seems more vulnerable.
Aquaman- Jason Momoa is well cast...I am just not to sure I get the character.
Cyborg- Now I do not remember Cyborg from any comic books in my youth. So I came in thinking he would be a throw away character. Surprisingly for some one who is part cyborg his back story and where he is now has a lot of heart, you really love this kid. As the film moves along he picks up a little humor. He grows as the films plays on.
Flash-Speaking of humor. I really like Ezra Miller as an actor (Perks of Being A Wallflower; Trainwreck), so I was excited to see him cast as Flash. His super power is cool yet he is like aw of the other heroes. He also has the best lines out of JLA.
Wonder Woman- She is the big star here coming off her film. Gadot is just meant to be Wonder Woman. I just wish they would give her a personality. Yes she is a bit of a wise ass sometimes but she is always monotone.
Surprise hero-Well not much of a surprise, but good to have him back. Yes, people still call him stiff but I say he is not suppose to have a big personality...he is not us. I like him.

I really like the group of them. They are so damn likable I just wish it was a better story and looked better. Stay for the credits because it looks like the next JLA will be more down to earth and there will be more chairs for the JLA.
3 out of 5 stars

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

3 cstars

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