Friday, November 17, 2017

New Film Review: Wonder

Image result for wonder

Directed by Stephen Chbosky
Screenplay by Stephen Chbosky; Steve Conrad; and Jack Thorne\
Based on the book by R.J. Palacio
Starring Jacob Tremblay; Owen Wilsom; Julia Roberts; Izabela Vidovic; Mandy Patinkin; Daveed Diggs; Noah Jupe; and Danielle Rose Russell

An inspiring story based on the popular book by Palacio  about a young boy named Auggie (Tremblay) who has had many operations on his face because of facial anomalies. We follow Auggie as he fights his way through middle school.

This film is really good. It touches on so many interesting angles. Let me get started with that:

Script: The trailer is sort of misleading, this film is not just about Auggie. We also have a story about Auggie's older sister Via (Vidovic), she goes through life taking a back seat to Auggie. He is in the spotlight at home constantly. Does anyone care about her life? Where does she fit in?
We have Miranda (Russell) Via's best friend and Auggies's friend Jack (Jupe) showing us that people carry pain and embarrassment with them that may not be on the surface unlike Auggie.
You also have the sad truth that kids can be mean. We see how the principle and teachers deal with it, knowing they have to walk the line of knowing too much punishment for certain actions can put more of an unwanted spotlight on Auggie. Most important, yes there are tears but often there are laughs...which is life.
Casting: Perfect. Yes Tremblay; Wilson; Roberts; and Vidovic are great as you would expect. However there are so many small part that are just spot on, Patinkin as the principle of the private middle school; Diggs as Mr Browne the homeroom teacher; Jupe as Jack; and Nadji Jeter as Justin, are all spot on perfect.

Yes there are negatives so I will not harp on the overly corny ending, this is a feel good film and one of the best films of the year 4 1/2 out of 5 stars...please note I did not read the book so I have no comparison and of course, so people who read a book then go to see the film usually are upset and be aware I have no comparison.
From the shadow as usual thanks for your time.

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