Wednesday, November 22, 2017

New Film Review: The Florida Project

Image result for the florida project movie

Directed by Sean Baker
Screenplay by Sean Baker and Chris Bergoch
Starring William Dafoe; Brooklyn Prince; and Bria Vinaite

The film is getting a lot of buzz for award season. Set during one full summer , the film follows the adventures of Moonee (Prince) as she lives in a hotel in Orlando Florida in the shadows of Walt Disney World.

A very difficult film to watch:
-I found that Halley (Vinaite) was one of the most annoying mothers in film history. Which makes the movie a tough watch. Yes she is in a bad situation, I understood that. However the things that she does to get by, note...not to get herself out of the situation... I found annoying. Basically she is not a good person. Her language in front of her child and her actions in front of her child, leave a lot to be desired. By saying "Leaves a lot to be desired" being kind. Now, I know she is in an unfortunate situation and my mind is open to that, however it does not mean your actions have to be so abrasive and so .....misguided. There is no point in the film where she is helping herself.
-The film is true. I have seen areas like this in Orlando. My interpretation at the end could be different than many. I think, at the end of the film it gives you a thought about living in the shadows of "The Happiest Place In The World", Walt Disney World. A company who is the biggest employer not only in Florida but in America, pays so little that you have people in the area living under the poverty level. Plus, because Walt Disney World can pay so little, other companies in that area seem to follow suit with the same salary...because they can. So you have many people like Halley and the others living in the hotel who cannot find a way out and do not have the ways or means to even move away. So there they are...that is my interpretation of the last scene of the film...which seemed like a rogue shooting without Disney's permission. I know this is a long winded, but the point is the situation is sad, again a hard watch.

Is there any good?
Yes...the performances are wonderful.
Dafoe as hotel manager Bobby is fantastic. Bobby has to deal with many issues each day adults and children!! He runs the spectrum of emotions without a hiccup.
Yes, often Vinaite is close to unwatchable as Halley, still, that is not her, that is her character. She crawls under Halley's skin and believably lives there. Our emotions...or dislike for Halley is all because of the fine performance by Vinaite.

This is a well acted tough watch...2 1/2 stars out of 5 for The Florida Project.
Maybe not worth a visit to the theatre, but maybe when available for home viewing.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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