Thursday, January 12, 2017

My Return With: Jack Reacher

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First..................I have returned.
I disappeared to deal with some issues but I was still watching films so it is time to play catch up!!!!

Directed by Edward Zwick
Screenplay by Edward Zwick; Richard Wenk: and Marshall Herscovitz
Based on the books by Lee Child
Starring: Tom Cruise; Cobie Smolders; Danika Yarosh; and Patrick Heusinger

Why do you go to watch Jack Reacher Never Go Back?
For it's artistic merit? No.
To change peoples mind/to change the world: No.
You watch Jack Reacher movies for fun and action. To watch bad guys lose. To get away from the world for a bit. In that aspect, Never Go Back delivers. Plus some, this film also has a couple really good story lines.

Story line 1....Involves a military conspiracy and Reacher getting caught up in it.
Story line 2....A young girl pops in and could be Reacher's daughter.
It is exciting and filled with some humor. It works.

It would not have worked without good casting. Of course you know Cruise is really good as Jack Reacher, however there are other wonderful pieces around him:

Cobie Smulders as Turner is bad ass.

Danika Yarosh as Samantha the young girl who could or could not be Reacher's daughter is a find!!

Patrick Heusinger as The Hunter fills the bill nicely as the bad guy.

So good story line. Good casting. Great acting. Weaknesses? Yes
I am not a huge fan of action films. This one had some realistic chase scenes, however it went a little wacky with time and place. Moving from point A to B. How did bad guys get there so quick??!! I thought that often.

Still with that being said it is a fun film to watch and worthy of 4 out of 5 stars as an action  film.
Jack Reacher Never Go Back is available for home viewing on January 31 2017.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time as always.

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