Saturday, January 14, 2017

Film Review:The Accountant

Image result for the accountant

Directed by Gavin O'Connor
Screenplay by Bill Dubuque
Starring Ben Affleck; Anna Kendrick; J.K. Simmons; and John Lithgow

The Accountant is much better than I thought it would me. The film follows a child who is autistic from childhood to manhood. He is accountant. However by the trailer you can tell he is more than an accountant.
There is a lot right with this film:
-The chemistry between Kendrick and Affleck is really strong and they play off each other well. Sometimes with humor.
-I mean they have Simmons and Lithgow...I mean...really.

The script starts out strong...then dies a predictable (trying to surprise the viewer but I saw it coming half way through the film), almost silly ending. Ugh!!! It was going so well!! Then characters were behaving unrealistic when they had a chance to run. Little things like that. Hated the last 20 minutes.

Still it is exciting and worth a look. 3 1/2 of 5. Well acted...entertaining I just wanted a better, or stronger finish.

The Accountant is available now for home viewing.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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