Monday, January 30, 2017

Film review: Lion

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Directed by Garth Davis
Screenplay by Saroo Brierly and Luke Davies
Starring Dev Patel; Nicole Kidman; Rooney Mara; and Sunny Pawar

It is rare that I go into the theater to watch a film that I really do not know much about, well Lion falls under that category. What a surprise. A well written, well acted, beautiful looking, and an edge of your seat emotional true story.

I really liked this film about a 5 year old boy played wonderfully by Sunny Pawr, who gets lost hundreds of miles from home. Then we see him as a young man trying to find his way home.

Go see this film. It has an Oscar nomination, and it is well deserved.
Dev Patel and Sunny Pawar are really amazing in this.They really do not have many lines but they say so much with expressions and look.
Now Nicole Kidman is good also, however I am not getting the Oscar love. Just because she is barely in the film. She does not have much to do or say. Still she plays an important part in this film.

If I had a negative comment it would be two things:
I felt like the front end with Pawar could have been edited a bit. While the back end seemed rushed with a story about Patel's adopted brother seemed like it was getting in the way of the story. That could have been cut out then the back end of the story could have more time.
Also one of my favorite actors Rooney Mara  seemed wasted here. I think it goes back to the back end being rushed cutting out some character development.

Still, it is a wonderful film 4 1/2 out of 5 stars for Lion. Find it. See it.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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