Friday, January 27, 2017

Film review: Passengers

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Directed by Morten Tyldum
Screenplay by Jon Spaihts
Starring Jennifer Lawrence; Chris Pratt; and Michael Sheen

What an odd film.
The trailer tells you kinda what happens, but not really. I think that is what threw viewers off.
The viewers think they are going to see a Gravity type of film, Maybe true a little bit, that part felt like it was a thrown together story line.
Well lets get to it:
First Chris Pratt's Jim Preston is kinda creepy. No spoilers here but what he does is wrong....and you do not see that in the trailer.
Then  you have two people stuck on a spaceship, I think this could be interesting to see them in almost a Before Sunset world. Talking and building a relationship. noted that is difficult ....because Jim Preston is a stalkerish guy that is kinda in the back of your mind.

So in the first half which is kind of likable, if you try to ignore the creepy factor. Now we get to the second half which revolves around saving the spaceship from doom. I had problems with this because it  kinda felt manufactured, like they said at one point we need!!! I just wanted to get back to the problem with the two stuck on a spaceship and trying to get along. Plus it seemed rushed at the end, like they edited the crap at the end which made it feel like....well my thought was....what happened to our two leads????!!! Again No Spoilers but....we just get a narration to close things up. Just messy. When people left the theater you can see the look on their faces, it was like ....aaaah okay.

3 stars out of 5 for the first half and the acting as you would expect is great (Though I am not a Michael Sheen fan at all), it just needed a better script or maybe trust the actors you have and let them be and stay with the first half. If that makes sense.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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