Sunday, January 15, 2017

Film Review: The Dressmaker

Image result for the dressmaker

Directed by Jocelyn Moorhouse
Screenplay by P.J. Hogan and Jocelyn Moorhouse
Based on the book by Rosalie Ham
Starring Kate Winslet; Judy Davis; and Liam Hemsworth

A glamorous dressmaker, Tilly played by Winslet, returns to a dusty Australian town that she grew up in, to do what? That is the mystery, There are secrets in this town. Things from the past. Is she here to fix a wrong? Revenge? Or to shake up a town with her sewing machine?

The trailer makes the film look quirky. It is not. The trailer makes it look like a comedy. It is not. In fact there is a umbrella of tension and sadness in this film.
The story is slow and uninteresting. You can fall asleep for a half an hour and not miss a thing.
Then as you start to get into it they kill off a character that you start to like. WTH!!

Is there anything good?
Yes Winslet is really good as usual (Hemsworth does not have much to do).
The look of this film is wonderful. You can tell by the trailer. The dress designs/bright colors with a contrast to the washed out look of the town just pops. It is a thing of beauty. In fact if there is anything fun about the film is how a dress or a look can give a person confidence.

This movie is kind of depressing. I know the book was popular. I did not get a chance to read it. Maybe it was more quirky. 1 1/2 stars out of 5 for this film.
This film is available for home viewing now.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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