Thursday, January 26, 2017

Film Review Why Him?

Image result for why him

Directed by John Hamburg
Screenplay by John Hamburg and Ian Helfer
Starring Zoey Deutch; James Franco; Cedric The Entertainer; Bryan Cranston; and Megan Mullally

Sometimes I do not know if James Franco is acting or is he just being James Franco.
Whatever the answer, in Why Him, he is very funny.
Playing a multi millionaire, without any social skills. He is way off kilter and it is awkwardly hilarious at some points in this film..

Problem is, in a year lacking of good comedies, this one may be the best. Still, it has the problem that a lot of comedies have had these days. It has a very funny concept, it starts well and it does not know where to go with it. From the hour mark it gets ridiculous, tiring and unfunny. Plus at one hour and fifty minutes it was loooooong, again mainly because the film had no where to go.

Wait a minute, I said it may be the best comedy but it can't finish? It is. It goes back to Franco and the cast.
Casting for this film is wonderful.
Bryan Cranston is great as the every man/father.
Megan Mullally is so good here!! Maybe her funniest performance since Will And Grace.
Zoey Deutch  as Stephanie, who is madly in love with Franco's Laird. She is wonderful. It is a tough character to play, I mean she has to be an important character, but she has to take a backseat to the star power.
Then throw in Keegan Michael Key who surprisingly is a straight man in this.

Well Why Him is the funniest films this year. Please note it is vulgar also. I give 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. Pretty funny but just could not finish strong.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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