Saturday, January 21, 2017

Film Review Bad Santa 2

Image result for bad santa 2

Directed by Nark Walters
Screenplay by Johnny Rosenthal; Shauna Cross;
Starring Tony Cox; Billy Bob Thornton; Kathy Bates; Christina Hendricks; and Brett Kelly

Well. This will be short.
I liked Bad Santa the first. I think it was just the shock value that made it funny.

Here in part 2....not funny. I did not laugh once. Not once.

This was clearly a money grab for Thornton and Cox. However I have no idea what Hendricks and Bates were thinking.

I am giving Bad Santa 2.... 1 star out of 5 and that will be just for the robbery plot that is the only interesting thing.
Told you it will be short.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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