Monday, January 16, 2017

Movie Review of Certain Women

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Directed by Kelly Reichardt
Screenplay by Kelly Reichardt
Based on stories by Maile Meloy
Starring Michelle Williams; Kristen Stewart; Laura Dern; and Lily Gladstone

Certain Women is a film with three small stories of women, being strong and fighting the world.
This will be tough without spoiling so here I go.
I will break down each story.

1- Laura Dern plays Laura Wells a lawyer  who has to deal with a disgruntled client. I liked the story, Laura Dern as usual is wonderful.

2-Michelle Williams plays a wife and mother in a strained marriage but shows she is in charge of her life. There is a quiet sadness to this story. Michelle Williams does most of her acting with her eyes. A very quiet story.

3-The best for last. Kristen Stewart is a lawyer teaching a night class a distance away from her home. In her class is Lily Gladstone who is a rancher. After each class they eat at a diner before Stewart makes the long track home. This story stays with you. It is about loneliness and longing.
If you have followed my blog you know I think Stewart is one of the most underrated actresses. Doubt me? See.....Clouds Of Sils Maria....Still Alice....Cafe Society...Billy Lynn's Long Walk.
Here again......she is wonderful. Now after noting that this young actress Gladstone sweeps in and steals the whole movie!!! Who is she??!!!!

Now all three stories interlock but that is not important. Individually they stay with you.

Well if I have a problem with this film is that it is too soft. Not boring just soft.

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for a nice film. Is there happy endings. Maybe not but these women are strong enough to carry on.

This film will be released for home viewing sometime in February.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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