Saturday, January 21, 2017

Film Review; Rules Don't Apply

Image result for rules don't apply movie

Directed by Warren Beatty
Screenplay by Warren Beatty and Bo Goldman
Starring Warren Beatty; Alden Ehrenreich; Martin Sheen; Matthew Broderick; Candice Bergen; Annette Benning; and Lily Collins

Marla an aspiring actress from the Midwest enters Hollywood for a chance to become a movie star.
However dealing with Howard Hughes is a bit of a roadblock.

The biggest problem here is that I did not, and apparently the public did not need to see another Howard Hughes film. Scorsese already did that wonderfully. Here it is different, it, I think, is a comedy. However I did not laugh much.

The good is the acting. I mean look at the above list of the stars.
Highlighted by a great performance (Golden Globe Nomination) by Lily Collins. Her chemistry with her "driver" Ehrenreich pushed this film forward.
Problem is when those two are not on camera the film dies. Beatty who plays Hughes, plays him so "shadowy"I think to make him eccentric and mysterious. However we saw the other film so we really do not care. He should have just went with a love story taking place in the 50's with Hughs taking a back seat. I really did not care about the Hughes story line at all. In fact I found that part of the story creepy and annoying.

So I already noted the chemistry between Collins and Ehrenriech was wonderful. Here are a couple of other positives:
Beatty knows how to film. The shadows, the look of 50's Hollywood and costumes are just wonderful.
Candice Bergen!!!!!!!!!!!!! Where have you been???!!! Can we please have just 10 more episodes of Murphy Brown???????!!!!!

Well just better than average, 3 stars out of 5 for Rules Don't Apply.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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