Sunday, January 22, 2017

Film Review Nocturnal Animals

Image result for Nocturnal animals

Directed by Tom Ford
Screenplay by Tom Ford
Based on the novel by Austin Wright
Starring Amy Adams; Jake Gyllenhaal; Michael Shannon; Aaron Taylor Johnson

I mentioned in my review of Arrival that Amy Adams made two films back to back with confusing endings, well this is the second one.
An Art gallery owner, Adams, receives a book from her ex husband that he wrote. At this point, we as the viewer watch the story within the book.
Is the book a true story?
Was there a message for his ex?
Was it revenge?
There are many theories out there.

What I can tell you is that this is well acted:
Gyllenhaal is so good here but is getting no award season love.
Shannon and Adams are always good. I am not getting the award season love for this role for Adams, mainly because she is really not in the film much.
As for Johnson, he won a Globe for this role, and damn he is creepy in this. Well deserved.

As for the story. It is disturbing. Very disturbing to a point where I wanted to leave at the peak of it. To me that is not entertainment. I am glad I stayed because it turned into a mystery and a question of  revenge. Maybe revenge in a couple forms.

Yes disturbing, and violent but it keeps you on the edge of your seat.
'I was debating between 3 1/2 and 4.......I am going with 3 1/2 out of 5. Just be prepared it is disturbing...I warned you. Then you can figure out the meaning of the ending. It is debated on line that is for sure..
Nocturnal Animals will be available for home viewing February 21st.

As always from the shadows thanks for your time.

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