Monday, January 30, 2017

Film review: Lion

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Directed by Garth Davis
Screenplay by Saroo Brierly and Luke Davies
Starring Dev Patel; Nicole Kidman; Rooney Mara; and Sunny Pawar

It is rare that I go into the theater to watch a film that I really do not know much about, well Lion falls under that category. What a surprise. A well written, well acted, beautiful looking, and an edge of your seat emotional true story.

I really liked this film about a 5 year old boy played wonderfully by Sunny Pawr, who gets lost hundreds of miles from home. Then we see him as a young man trying to find his way home.

Go see this film. It has an Oscar nomination, and it is well deserved.
Dev Patel and Sunny Pawar are really amazing in this.They really do not have many lines but they say so much with expressions and look.
Now Nicole Kidman is good also, however I am not getting the Oscar love. Just because she is barely in the film. She does not have much to do or say. Still she plays an important part in this film.

If I had a negative comment it would be two things:
I felt like the front end with Pawar could have been edited a bit. While the back end seemed rushed with a story about Patel's adopted brother seemed like it was getting in the way of the story. That could have been cut out then the back end of the story could have more time.
Also one of my favorite actors Rooney Mara  seemed wasted here. I think it goes back to the back end being rushed cutting out some character development.

Still, it is a wonderful film 4 1/2 out of 5 stars for Lion. Find it. See it.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Sunday, January 29, 2017

Film Review: Fences

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Directed by Denzel Washington
Screenplay by August Wilson
Starring Denzel Washington; Viola Davis; Stephen Henderson; Jovan Adepo; and Mykelti Williamson

Acting Acting Acting Acting

You will not find a better acted film this year. Everyone in this film is incredible. They suck you into their characters, their life.
Saving the best for last:
Denzel Washington- Lets face it when you think of Denzel Washing ton you smile. Because he is the great Denzel Washington. Then you see him as Troy Maxon. You hate him. You want him to shut up. Which tells you right good Washington is.
Mykelti Williamson-as Gabriel. He literally absorbs this character. You want to take care of him. Love him. He does that with dialect and his body motions.. I have no idea why he is not thought of during award season.
And The Best For Last.........
Viola Davis-She is on another level.There is Viola Davis and Michelle Williams,.....the rest of the actors out there are not close. Here as Rose Maxon it seems she seeps off the screen. There is no other word for it. Maybe bleeds off the screen. Wonderful here almost seems like it does not say enough.

Great acting.....leads to a a disturbing script.
This is a story of a family. That is hard to watch. A family that has a leader that is a bully. That is angry at the world and takes it out on the ones close to him.
Based on the stage play and it stays close to form. It is unsettling. It is not an easy watch, but the acting is at such a level you cannot stop watching. It is one of those movies that you want to recommend, however you feel bad by putting someone through the frustration of watching Troy Maxon.

A difficult film to review but I would give it 4 out of 5 stars. It stays with you that is for sure.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Saturday, January 28, 2017

Film Review: La La Land

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Directed by Damien Chazelle
Screenplay by Damien Chazelle
Starring Ryan Gosling and Emma Stone.

Someone in the crowd may be the one you need to know. So true.
I went in knowing the hype. Fear that the film can never reach the expectations that I was setting.
Wrong!! Everything you hear is true.
-Great acting and chemistry by Gosling and Stone. This is their third movie together. They may be the Bogart and Bacall of our day.
-Great look. From the wonderful costumes to the sets, this film is beautiful. Shadows. Colors that pop. Everything.
-Great music. From the amazing opening number, that has you going, wow this is different!! To the final hits on the key of the piano. It is all wonderful and fun. Yes their voices are not perfect bu that makes them likable and real. They are not locks to be stars, they have to work at it.
-Great dance numbers. So good you want more.
-Great story. The story by Damien Chazelle is fantastic. I think a lot of people do not like the ending. Do not be fooled, this is not a love story. It is a story of two people with big dreams. They come together at a time and place and push each other forward. See Way We Were. See Casablanca.

Music, romance, humor.
Here's to the dreamers!!!
5 out of 5 stars for La La Land

Oh and yes I heard backlash.....please!! Stop it. If you have not seen it ....GO. It is fun.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Friday, January 27, 2017

Film Review Sing

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Directed by Christopher Lourdelet and Garth Jennings
Screenplay by Garth Jennings
Voices by Reese Witherspoon; Matthew McConaughy; Scarlett Johansson; Seth Mcfarlane; Tori Kelly; Taron Egerton

I see so many films. Yet I love when I see a nice surprise. I really did not want to see this. Coming off Zootopia, I was not looking forward to seeing a land where only animals live again.SURPRISE!!! It was a wonderful film. To a point where it may be the best animated film in 2016.
Yet no Oscar Nom!!! What the ....!!!
It is a basic old fashion screenplay. Lets put on a show!! Cheer for the underdogs!!
And it works. Throw in wonderful music and  many laughs. It all works.

Then the voice work, and by voice work I also mean singing voices  (Except for McConaughy who was wonderful but did not sing). They did their own singing!!! Also singing songs we know which makes it fun also, like American Idol, but....not. And they are wonderful. Plus there is also character development. Yes it takes time and gives us a background on each contestant.
It just works. Like noted it is basic and just fun.
If had a fault it felt long at an hour and 48 minutes. After awhile cut the background stories and lets get to the show!!

4 1/2 stars out of 5. The best animated film of the year for kids and adults.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Film review: Passengers

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Directed by Morten Tyldum
Screenplay by Jon Spaihts
Starring Jennifer Lawrence; Chris Pratt; and Michael Sheen

What an odd film.
The trailer tells you kinda what happens, but not really. I think that is what threw viewers off.
The viewers think they are going to see a Gravity type of film, Maybe true a little bit, that part felt like it was a thrown together story line.
Well lets get to it:
First Chris Pratt's Jim Preston is kinda creepy. No spoilers here but what he does is wrong....and you do not see that in the trailer.
Then  you have two people stuck on a spaceship, I think this could be interesting to see them in almost a Before Sunset world. Talking and building a relationship. noted that is difficult ....because Jim Preston is a stalkerish guy that is kinda in the back of your mind.

So in the first half which is kind of likable, if you try to ignore the creepy factor. Now we get to the second half which revolves around saving the spaceship from doom. I had problems with this because it  kinda felt manufactured, like they said at one point we need!!! I just wanted to get back to the problem with the two stuck on a spaceship and trying to get along. Plus it seemed rushed at the end, like they edited the crap at the end which made it feel like....well my thought was....what happened to our two leads????!!! Again No Spoilers but....we just get a narration to close things up. Just messy. When people left the theater you can see the look on their faces, it was like ....aaaah okay.

3 stars out of 5 for the first half and the acting as you would expect is great (Though I am not a Michael Sheen fan at all), it just needed a better script or maybe trust the actors you have and let them be and stay with the first half. If that makes sense.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Thursday, January 26, 2017

Film Review Why Him?

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Directed by John Hamburg
Screenplay by John Hamburg and Ian Helfer
Starring Zoey Deutch; James Franco; Cedric The Entertainer; Bryan Cranston; and Megan Mullally

Sometimes I do not know if James Franco is acting or is he just being James Franco.
Whatever the answer, in Why Him, he is very funny.
Playing a multi millionaire, without any social skills. He is way off kilter and it is awkwardly hilarious at some points in this film..

Problem is, in a year lacking of good comedies, this one may be the best. Still, it has the problem that a lot of comedies have had these days. It has a very funny concept, it starts well and it does not know where to go with it. From the hour mark it gets ridiculous, tiring and unfunny. Plus at one hour and fifty minutes it was loooooong, again mainly because the film had no where to go.

Wait a minute, I said it may be the best comedy but it can't finish? It is. It goes back to Franco and the cast.
Casting for this film is wonderful.
Bryan Cranston is great as the every man/father.
Megan Mullally is so good here!! Maybe her funniest performance since Will And Grace.
Zoey Deutch  as Stephanie, who is madly in love with Franco's Laird. She is wonderful. It is a tough character to play, I mean she has to be an important character, but she has to take a backseat to the star power.
Then throw in Keegan Michael Key who surprisingly is a straight man in this.

Well Why Him is the funniest films this year. Please note it is vulgar also. I give 3 1/2 out of 5 stars. Pretty funny but just could not finish strong.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

Film Review Collateral Beauty

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Directed by David Frankel
Screenplay by Allan Loeb
Starring Will Smith; Edward Newton; Kate Winslet; Michael Pena; Helen Mirren; Naomie Harris; and Kiera Knightly

This film was ripped during the holidays. Probably fair.
A story about a gentleman dealing with a personal tragedy. Is kind of a mess.

-Look at that cast!!! I mean really?
-The film has a positive message of how one can push on after tragedy. It is heartfelt.

But the script?
Yes the film is heartfelt.  At the same time, how it gets there is messy. At times kind of mean and cruel. Surprises that are ridiculous. Also, surprises that I saw coming. I think the script is lazy. It is broken up and messy. It has too many, and roll your eyes story lines.

At one point I thought.......Did these megastars read the script first before signing on? Also....How much did they spend to get all these stars to be in this one film?

Now after all the negatives, there is something there. Almost Hallmark Channel there. In other words at home, on your couch, it is worth a look considering the talent in it. It is corny. Predictable. Harmless. I think that is what most critics miss, sometimes a Me Before You (Which is a lot better) or How To Be Single sometimes is what you want. Something to just watch and enjoy. So for the acting alone 2 1/2 stars out of 5 for Collateral Beauty.

From the shadows as always thanks for

Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Film Review Manchester By The Sea

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Manchester By The Sea
Directed by Kenneth Lonergan
Screenplay by Kenneth Lonergan
Starring Casey Affleck; Michelle Williams: Kyle Chandler; and Lucas Hedges

Manchester follows Lee (Affleck) as he learns of the death of his brother, he has to return back to Manchester where memories haunt him and others, while trying to take care of his now orphaned Nephew Patrick (Hedges).

Like Moonlight. This is a difficult film. It is haunting. It has an umbrella of sadness. No spoilers here, but what haunts Lee is just devastating. It is hard for us as the viewer to get past it also.

The film tries to add humor but to be honest I really did not laugh.
Patrick played by Hedges was suppose to add levity but I just thought he was a jerk. Yes he lost his father. No one wants him. I know, but he seems still like a selfish jerk. Also I think he is just alright in this part. He is kinda just there. I do not get the Oscar love.
I know everyone loves Casey Affleck for playing a very difficult part. He is really good here. He is almost like a ghost, trying to come back to life but in a weird way punishing himself by pushing life away. He is very good.
Michelle Williams. She has a heart wrenching scene where she puts on an acting clinic. Her and Viola Davis are at another level compared to all the other working actresses right now.

Manchester By The Sea is well acted. but like I is a tough watch. If anything I think the characters grew a little in the film, in a way of learning who they are,

And a final note, boy this film looks wonderful. It feels closed in but oddly open and beautiful.

3 1/2 stars out of 5 for Manchester By The Sea.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

My Top 5 Films (And Recommended) Of 2024 At Six Months

Top 5 films that I have seen in the first 6 months of the year and maybe a book and album recommendation!!! Well let me get no ...