Friday, January 26, 2018

The 10 Worst Movies Of 2017 10-9-8

The time has come to close out 2017.
I will start with the 10 worst films of 2017!!!!

Number 10
Image result for 47 meters down full movie

47 Meters Down

-DUMB...Stupid decisions...The one thing The Shallows did right...she did not make stupid moves. Here two women go on a boat with two men they just met. Then let themselves be put in a cage!!!! Really???!! And it is all downhill from there.
-The script. It is just bad. At one point we have a good 15 minutes of tension that never happens. Which makes me think the studio knew they had garbage here and did a lot of re-shoots and re-writes. To a point where I think that is why the ending is soooo flat....They did not have an ending!!! Then you have dialog that went with a lot of...AAAAH OOOOH OH NO!!! Over and over. You cheer for the shark (just kidding).
-The acting. The biggest shocker here is how bad Mandy Moore is in this film. The same person who is wonderful in TV's This Is Us, is awful here. Could be the worst performance of the year.

Number 9
Image result for the house movie

The House

The funny thing is the idea...or the a good idea. A mother and father desperate to get money so their daughter can go to the university of her dreams. So the dad (Ferrell) and mom (Poehler) with their best friend Jason (Mantzoukas) decide to start a casino. However the plot which sounds funny has a terrible script that just comes across flat, with few laughs.
I mean, I guess that is all I can say about it, over the top, not very funny film. Oh and surprisingly Ferrell and Poehler have no chemistry. They seem almost like they are stumbling through the film together. Now Mantzoukas seems to get more laughs than the two big stars....again not a good sign. You know there was a problem when the outtakes are not even funny.

Number 8
Image result for unforgettable movie


You go in because it is kind of fun too watch how things go down.
Sadly this film was not fun...just annoying.
What was bad?
-Rosario Dawson as Julia Banks is an intelligent business woman...successful. However she is constantly doing stupid things and making bad decisions. She is just frustrating to watch. She just lets everybody around her walk all over her, including the husband to be. What are you doing???!! He is not standing with you...RUN!! Speaking of which.........................
-Geoff Stults as David the ex hubby and soon to be hubby is a dud. I do not get why crazy ex wants him. I do not understand why soon to be wife wants him. I mean...yes he is good looking, but he is just an ass.
-The plot was just stupid and  not even close to being realistic. Like the police letting a person who had a dead man in his/her house and using a knife with his/her finger prints on it walk away. We do not have enough to hold you. HUH??????????!!!!!! Or hitting someone on the back with a weapon....clearly the person was hit on the back not the head but the person had cuts all over his/her face. I could go on but ...I can not get this time back.

 Sadly more bad films to come.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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