Monday, January 1, 2018

New Film Review: Father Figures

Image result for father figures movie

Directed by Lawrence Sher
Screenplay by Justin Malen
Starring Ed Helms; Owen Wilson; and Glenn Close

It has some laughs....that is for sure.
However it really is not a comedy.
It has funny situations....yes....but it is more of a road trip film. Two brothers coming to terms with their past and the truth that leads them forward.
Am I saying the film is good? No.
It is not just is there.
It has many good moments...yet many moments that fall just flat. Including an ending that seems a little, well, off. Yes, they find out who they are, but it makes the point of the film...well pointless. No spoilers here but it makes the end emotional however just there.
One last note. Ed Helms. I am not a huge fan. I do not like him in films and when he was on The Office. He seems to play the same clueless character that seem to grate on me.
Here however he switches up, and plays a soft likable character who is trying to find himself through his missing father. He is really good here. His performance is the highlight of the film.

I think it is worth a look when it comes to home viewing. 2 stars out of 5 for Father Figures. It delivers some laughs. Plus a little emotion.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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