Wednesday, January 10, 2018

New Film Review The Shape Of The Water

Image result for the shape of the water

Directed by Guillermo Del Torro
Screenplay by Guillermo Del Torro and Vanessa Taylor
Starring Sally Hawkins; Michael Shannon; Richard Jenkins; Octavia Spencer; and Michael Stuhlbarg

I am not a big Del Torro fan. I know many people say he is a genious. I just think his movies are strange and I cannot get past that.
Well here comes The Shape Of The Water. I am going to give you some slight spoilers here so be ready.
It is well acted that is for sure.
Michael Shannon is pure evil as Strickland. You need that for this film to work. A believable bad guy. He sure is. You know why? He Is freaking Michael Shannon!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! A great actor!!
Richard Jenkins as Giles. The next door neighbor. This is his best performance since The Visitor.
Octavia Spencer as Zelda Fuller. Oh come on. Is she on a streak right now or what? So many good performances in the last three years, and here she says so much by just a look.
Then we get to the big star, the great Sally Hawkins. Coming off a wonderful performance in Maudie...again she is just perfection here without saying a word!!!! She does not talk...and often is acting naked. She never flinches. Plus she is charming which is hard to push across when she is not speaking...and she accomplishes it.

Now I come to the story. Again some small spoilers coming.
This is an adult E.T. story. If E.T. was captured.
The first half starts out like pure movie magic. Taking place in the 60's, this film looks fantastic, just dropping you in that time period. But not only with the look but with a great score and great music.
It maybe the perfect hour of cinema in 2017.
Then comes the second half..............which gets real wacky. It is almost like Del Torro cannot help himself.
Here is what you have:
-Blood and gore and violence. I mean graphic. I mean turn your head graphic.
-Sex with a creature ...which is odd to watch.
-Cat death
-Body parts being pulled off.
-Even a strange ballroom dance scene...that came out of no where.

It just went off the rails. Yet I could not stop watching it ( Well I guess I could because I often covered my eyes). My take away from this film is that it is a fable. In that aspect I guess you could just go with it. I tried...and I cannot stop thinking about it.
4 out of 5 stars for The Shape Of The Water.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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