Thursday, January 18, 2018

Number 5 Of My Top 20 Favorite Films

Image result for raiders of the lost ark

We are now in my top five favorite films!!!!!
Who else but Indiana Jones!!

Directed by Spielberg, and story by George Lucas.
Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
Like number 6 favorite (Star Wars) It is the original, with perfectly cast Harrison Ford. Like old Saturday movie matinee action films, he comes across as one of those stars of that time period. He has that look with the famous hat, the unshaven face, dirty looking outfits. He hates snakes as much as he hates Nazis. You just love him.
He is an action star out of a different time period. The film is packed with action, throw in some history; and throw in some humor; mix it all up and you have the perfect.. Raiders Of The Lost Ark.

Now watch that trailer. Look how beautifully it was shot. It is gorgeous, every frame. Spielberg puts you right there in the time and place. We are with him in 1936 looking for The Ark Of The Covenant, from Nepal to Egypt, we are there. Lets also not forget John Williams and his great score!!! Again, perfect.

Lets get to some fun facts:

-If you freeze frame during the Well Of The Souls scene, you will see a golden pillar with a tiny engraving R2D2 and C3P0. They are also on the wall behind Indy when he first approaches the Ark.

-The out of control airplane actually ran over Harrison's leg tearing his ligaments in his knee.

-Jeff Bridges turned down the role of Indiana.

-The hat was shaped to cover his eyes. It looks cool.....but in reality it was done not to look cool but to help cover the faces of the stuntmen.

My number 5 film of my favorite 20 is Raiders Of The Lost Ark.
How can it not be in my 20!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time/


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