Saturday, January 27, 2018

The Worst Movies Of 2017 7-6-5

Image result for beatriz at dinner

Starting it up again with my number 7 worst film of the year.


Beatriz who is a massage therapist is stuck at a house of one of her customers/friends,  house until her car gets fixed. Thus she is now going to have to stay for a dinner planned that night. Then shit hits the fan.

Well. This film is just annoying.

Everyone is annoying:

Doug played by John Lithgow. It is an obnoxious person. He the business man who cares about one thing ...making money. He laughs at everything else or everybody else. He is allowed to be that way. He is allowed to live his life that way. I do not like it but he is who he is. After all that being said is a wonderful performance.
Connie Britton as Cathy the homeowner. She and her female friends tell you a lot about them when before the dinner they say they feel bad for leaked photos of a young female star but then pass the photo around and then laugh. She is not a good person.
Then I get to the star Beatriz played by Hayek. I think we are suppose to feel bad for her. I understand. Her goat is harassed. Her car is broken down. She is stuck having a dinner with a bunch of obnoxious assholes. Yes it is a shitty situation for her. However there is something about being gracious. There is a way to do things instead of hollering and stomping. We have all been in that situation bite your tongue, be a grownup, try and cut out early. Then on the way home you say I do not want to see those people again. You just do not make a dinner party more uncomfortable by blurting out things. With all that being said it makes the whole film uncomfortable to watch, because no one is pleasant!!

Number 6
Image result for The Last Word


Harriet (Maclaine), who is a control freak, wants someone to write her obituary before she dies so she can read it. She hires Anne (Seyfried) to write it.

Yes there are small laughs here...but it is not really funny.
They add a little kid here (Dixon), which has nothing to do with the story and I still cant figure out why she is in this. "Hey lets throw a cute kid in hear to show three generations, it will be funny!!" No not so much.
The film had a neat idea but it just was ....boring...and there was not much happening. At one point Harriet became a DJ. I know....REALLY?
All leading to a very predictable ending with a unrealistic dance scene where you see it coming a mile away.
Amanda Seyfried. Time to fire your agent. This film....Ted 2......Love The Coopers....Fathers And Daughters...Pan, she is soooo much better than these films.


Well Shirly Maclaine is in it. But it was still bad.

Number 5
Image result for landline


The film takes place in 1995.Ali (Quinn) living with her sister Dana (Slate) and parents Turturro and Falco, discover her father is having an affair.

I was sucked into this film because the trailer looked fun. I had doubts, like this film, the last film by Robespierre and Slate got okay reviews ( Obvious Child), and I hated it. Well...I should have went with my instincts.

If you want to go to a film where a bunch of people just whine about life, this is for you. If you want to go to a film with really poor writing...some awful lines, this is for you.

There is just one good performance by Turturro.....that is it. Every one else seems like they are just reading their lines.

I hated this film. Fooled me twice shame on me!!! I guess in Obvious Child an abortion I do not find funny. In Landline..a woman cheating on her boyfriend; and a husband cheating on a wife not funny (I guess if this was slapstick, but no).
It is funny...every time I see Jenny Slate in a Robespierre film she annoys me. However she was pretty good in Gifted earlier in the year. So she can act....if that says anything.

What an annoying film.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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