Saturday, January 13, 2018

New Film Review: The Post

Image result for the post movie poster

Directed by Steven Spielberg
Screenplay by Liz Hannah and Josh Singer
Starring Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep

Lets get a few things out of the way first......

-Let me explain what this thing called a newspaper is. It is a piece of printer paper...but reaaaaal big and kind of brown/yellowish. And it smells like old ink. It had news in it. All the news that happened the day before, before 11:59pm that is. After it was done being read it could be recycled or put on the bottom of a birdcage.
-As for the movie, people are saying this is even more relevant today then it was back then. AAAAH NO. Different time. We are in a place in time where news outlets are rushing to beat the other news outlets to the story and forgetting to do simple fact checks or even worse....burying stories because it does not fit the ownership of thus news outlet's agenda. And I am not taking sides because all outlets are guilty. This story here is a story of a government cover up...which is a big part of history. News papers are not being silenced or news outlets they are just being questioned...which is fair game on all sides. In a rush to get things out are you fact checking? This movie is a different story.
-To come clean. We all have actors or actresses we cannot stand. Like nails on a chalk board. Mine is Meryl Streep. Do not like her. Simple. While Hollywood kisses her ass I think she is a one note actress. When she comes out of the comfort zone you get Mamma Mia, which is entertaining but she is awful. Walk In The Woods...UGH!! Iron Lady...same type of character with a British twang. And lets not forget Ricki And The of the worst films ever. She is lucky because of her one note she gets first looks. She gets to pick that part that is her standard. Some say she is the best living actress. Please, I would put Kate Winslet; Jodie Foster; Michelle Williams; Viola Davis; and Helen Mirren up against her. I think there is a smarminess about her. When these ladies go outside that comfort zone they actually are impressive and make a movie work. (By the way Tom Hanks is getting to the point of same old-- same old also).

Well off my high horse. About the The Post.
It is a really good story. It take place before Watergate...but it leads up to it. Without the Supreme Court ruling there would be no Watergate.
It takes place behind the scenes in a two day period I think (I lost track of time).
It created tension even though we knew the outcome.
Odd thing is the trailer made it seem like there were men in dark suits waiting outside as they talk in the shadows of  a house. In reality it was just a race against time, to get the paper out while making the decision to print.The came the Supreme Court hearing. Which was just 15 minutes of the film.

4 stars out of 5 for The Post. It was well done. People clapped after my screening....soooo I guess it delivered. By the way if you get a chance to see this...note the score every time they show the White House, it is like a scary, horror film score. So Funny.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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