Tuesday, November 19, 2019

New Film Review: Charlies Angels

Image result for charlie's angels

Charlies Angels

Oh boy..........

The angels return directed by and written by Elizabeth Banks.

The plot is a bit messy...involving many Bosleys (Yes I know), and some power source that can injure people or something.

I do not know where to start here but...
-The plot is just not strong. It involves too many plot holes. People we do not care about. Way too many coincidences like "Hey how did they figure that out"...or "How did they get all those people there".

Elizabeth Banks is miscast in her own movie!!! WTH were the producers afraid to tell her, she was soooo weak and astonishingly not believable.\

Naomi Scott as Elena Angel and Ella Balinska as Jane Angel....both miscast and shockingly boring and not believable.

Bright spots were:

Kristen Stewart as Sabina Angel. As oppose to many I think Stewart is a good actor I think she just picks roles of a person who is sad or depressed often. Here she breaks out and adds humor to a very bad script. She is really good.
Patrick Stewart as another Bosley seems to be having fun and is a bit over the top on purpose.
Jonathan Tucker is really good as a bad guy...he really helps the film.
Luis Ferardo Mendez as Saint. He is like Q on the Bond films, he is very funny.

Now as for the comments by Elizabeth Banks that this movie failed because of men.
-Well the films produced by Drew Barrymore did well! Well enough to make two of them.
-People go to a film to be entertained, to escape. The Me Too movement is a thing. Okay. When you make a movie you do not pander obviously to an agenda to get attention to be popular, even if it interrupts a film. She has us watch an opening scene, which was exciting...okay...then for some odd reason she runs opening credits with music and real videos of strong young girls...nothing to do with the film. Then the end of the movie she panders again by having all these women angels save the day, like we are to believe they were all able to convene in a short time...but she wanted to show women power...it made no sense!!! Then during the credits she shows female stars and athletes training angels...oh brother. So men cant train women now?! Oh they can but Banks was pandering to the end. Make the movie!! Stop it with your agenda. I walked away from the Barrymore films thinking...these women were bad ass...it did not have to be thrown in my face over and over to push an agenda...its a MOVIE. Make a documentary if you want to push something!!

1 1/2 stars out of 5 for Charlies Angels. They even made Charlie a woman!!! It was kinda cool but...why not just be a woman and use a woman's voice. I will stop.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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