Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Film Review: A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood

Image result for a beautiful day in the neighborhood movie


I was looking forward to this film after seeing the documentary that I put into my top ten last year Won't You Be My Neighbor. If you have not seen this documentary please find it will love it.
As for this film...what a surprise...a bait and switch!!!
 You may think this film is about Fred Rogers, I mean he is highlighted in the trailer....I mean look at the poster above. Wrong. In fact, it is about a 2 hour film, Fred Rogers is in it maybe for 30 minutes.
This film is about the writer of an article about Fred Rogers written by Lloyd Vogel for Esquire Magazine. This is a film about how Fred helped Lloyd get through some personal issues.
With that angle, the film was kind of boring. I was suppose to care about Lloyd but really did not until the end. Just a bait and switch.
Well acted by all:
Tom Hanks should get a Supporting Actor nod for this...he was great. Definitely not a lead.
Matthew Rhys as Lloyd was very good in a kind of ...downer of a role.
Susan Kelechi was really good as Andrea the exasperated wife of Lloyd.
Chris Cooper...yes he is in this!!! He plays Lloyd's father.

As for the script...I get follows Mr Rogers thoughts on dealing with disappointment and forgiveness. It was interesting as a true story,,,but for 2 hours I could not help but think...this was not the story I thought I was going to see.

2 1/2 stars out of 5 for A Beautiful Day In The Neighborhood.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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