Tuesday, November 26, 2019

New Film Review: Knives Out

Image result for knives out


Its murder I tell you...It is murder!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

This will be short, because it is a mystery , I do not want to sway the ending and surprise..

I can tell you the script is wonderful and very tight...I cannot find holes(well one that involves blood maybe). The film Is written and directed by Rian Johnson making a nice comeback after The Last Jedi film.

Everybody was fantastic in their small parts and one particular suspect in a bigger part. Again not mentioning names for fear of spoiling the film.

I can say Daniel Craig is a blast as southerner Benoit Blanc. Oscar nomination worthy!!

4 1/2 stars for this near perfect film. It is a bit long. Plus...when you watch once ...do you really want to see it again once you know the mystery? 5 star movies I want to watch over and over, but to be honest I maybe want to see this one more time to see what I missed.
What a fun well done film!!!

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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