Tuesday, November 19, 2019

New Film Review: Midway

Image result for midway


6 months after the the December 1941 raid of Pearl Harbor comes the battle of Midway.

Well let me get the one good thing out of the way...

This film looks great...the sets look wonderful...the special effects are just fantastic!!

Okay...that being said...this film has a lot of problems.

Bad editing, where you feel often lost at where you are in a short time span. You also feel like certain angles could be cut like the wife angle (No spoilers) they put in for us I guess to connect or have more emotion., this was not needed....it just got us lost even more.

Bad acting. Real bad, with a lead by the name of Ed Skrein!! Oh my he was bad playing Dick Best with a real bad Jersey accent. I cringed every single time I saw him/or heard him. I could go on... Woody Harrelson looked uncomfortable with the bad lines. Which brings me to...

A bad script by Wes Tooke...some lines are laughable.

I will give 2 stars out of 5 for this film that seems thrown together oddly. 2 stars for the respect of the subject matter and the look that put us the audience right there in the middle of it.
Tip if you watch this at home just turn off the sound and watch it that way.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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