Tuesday, November 19, 2019

New Film Review: The Good Liar

Image result for good liar


The Good Liar follows scammer Ray Courtnay played by Ian McKellen as he tries to scam the money away from widower Betty McLeish  played by Helen Mirren.

As you can imagine the acting is great with two of the best in the world in this film.
Then throw in Jim Carter (Downton) playing Ray's partner in crime Vincent. Also Russell Tovey as Betty's  nephew Stephen. All very good performances.

As for the plot, it starts out really intriguing. You feel guilty thinking Ray is kind of fun to watch. Then things change quick when he goes after Betty. It is a fun and tense ride.
HOWEVER...then it gets really odd...and the script gets real loose...with things that seem to have holes....like no spoilers here,,,but per example...how long was she sitting in an empty house. What if he waited 24 hours? What if he got another money exchange device from the bank fast?
So yes a loose ending but a sad ending to at what happened to this family. What started out as a fun con to watch got real....sad. Which I guess is okay, but I had trouble believing it would go that far. She could have done the same thing without the trip.

Well I will stop...3 1/2 stars out of 5 it starts out strong...then it gets too loose...and odd...still a fun watch, worth a matinee.

From the shadows as always

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