Tuesday, November 12, 2019

New Film Review: Last Christmas

Image result for last christmas movie


Spoiler free ...but somewhere David Duchovny is going "Hey...that is not right". After seeing the film you may understand this reference.

Well, we follow Kate (Emilia Clarke) as her life spirals down hill during Christmas time.

Emilia Clarke; Henry Golding (Tom); and Michelle Yeoh (Santa) are all really good in this film and that helps.
The music by George Michael is really good and that helps push the movie through.
It is a beautiful looking film. With nice little sets including a park scene (Oh the bench!!! Tears!)

Oh boy!!!
The twist I saw coming a mile away. People looking for a Hallmark type movie in a theater will be disappointed. It is not a Christmas love story. Its about a Kate's life going down the tubes and that is what we see often. The recovery at the end comes across as almost a throw in. Then, there are unfinished story lines that were not hashed out. I left going..."I wonder what happen there". In fact the ending, and this coming from a Hallmark fan, is cringe-worthy.
As for the writer Emma Thompson, she gives one of her worst performances in her career as Emily's mother. I think she was suppose to be funny. Ugh!!!

Okay I will stop being negative...as I noted there are positives and the big reveal will give you the feels for sure...so I will split it down the middle 2 1/2 out of 5 for Last Christmas. Worth a look at a matinee price.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.


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