Tuesday, November 26, 2019

New Film Review: 21 Bridges

Image result for 21 bridges


21 Bridges follows 2nd generation NYPD Detective Andre Davis (Chadwick Boseman)  as he chases down a  two cop killers and drug runners through New York one evening.

It is a fun action film, filled with many holes and coincidences.
-Like why would these criminals run down the middle of a road if cops are driving on roads looking for them?
-One bad guy has an opportunity to stay in a hotel room all night. Wait for sunshine so he can mix into a crowd...but no. What?
-The Island is a big place but somehow Andre seems to be getting place right away.

Now that I made fun of the holes...I have to say the film and script were enjoyable. The highlight came when two of our best actors working, Boseman and J.K. Simmons sit down at a table and talk and I kept thinking this is a great moment. Alas it was short.

Throw this in....Sienna Miller miscast woefully as Frankie Burns.

2 1/2 stars out of 5 for 21 Bridges (By The way 21 bridges is a poor title it never really comes into play)...It is worth a fun action packed matinee.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time!!

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