Monday, November 4, 2019

New Film Review: Where'd You Go Bernadette

Image result for where have you gone bernadette


I read the book Bernadette, it was very popular. I however did not like it. I found Bernadette cold and kind of mean, and the reasoning behind leaving sounds nice and all but still leaving without telling her family was cruel.
So now I come to this film. Weeellll. They changed some things from the book. They shortened time spans and gave a bigger explanation to why she left. Obviously Director Linklater and co-screenwriter Holly Gent knew in the book she came across, yes like the cool mom but also mean and they tried to soften that. It did not work, or maybe I did not care.
Did not care. I guess that is the problem with the film. I had trouble caring about Bernadette and her husband played stiff as a board by Billy Crudup.
Oh boy...Bernadette is a architect, who just has strayed away from this line of work for ....bizarre reasons, that really make no sense. Well that is the story.
There are positives.....
Emma Nelson as Bee Branch the daughter is wonderful.
Kristen Wiig give a good performance as the over bearing yet kind of sad neighbor next door Audrey.

I get the feeling by watching this and all the push back opening date delays this film had, that Linklater tried to edit this the best he could playing with time and trying to soften Bernadette, or go with the pro-me too stance, reality it should have not been made into a film

1 1/2 out of 5 for the forgettable Bernadette.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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