Thursday, November 21, 2019

New Film Review: Frozen 2

Image result for frozen 2


Its called Frozen 2, I do not know how much thought went into that, maybe as much thought went into this convoluted story.
So Anna; Elsa; Kristoff; Olaf; and Sven all go into this forest because it is calling Elsa. Maybe this is where Elsa can find out about her past or her family history.
Well I felt like the plot was thrown together and kind of messy. Messy to a point of...I wanted to stop a kid ( if it was not creepy) and ask them to tell me what the story was. I can promise you most kids under 7 would be like..."They went to the forest and used magic". I understood the mystical idea, but even that was a stretch...but I get it and I went with it enough to.. like it. However I think I liked it not because of the strange story but maybe because I just like the characters. However in an odd twist I found Olaf kind of annoying here. Like the annoying little brother who is not funny annoying (That being said he did have the funniest moment while explaining Frozen 1). Oh well. I still like the cast.

The high point of this film is definitely the look. This may be the most beautiful animated film in years. Just gorgeous with layers of background colors. Colors are sharp, highlighted by a water horse just beautiful.

How about the music?
Oh brother! In the first film the music flowed with the story. Here the music stops the story and almost gets in the way of the story, it felt more like a Broadway Musical. There are some clunkers for sure highlighted by Kristoff's (Johnathan Groff) Lost In The Woods song, which is just bad, to a point I was not sure if it was suppose to be funny. I know I literally said out loud make it stop. That bad song was off-set by a couple good songs like Elsa's (Idina Menzel at her best) Into The Unknown and Anna's (Kristen Bell) The Next Right Thing, which may be everybody's favorite. Evan Rachel Wood who voices the girl's mother sings a sweet song called All Is Found. Plus during the credits we have the wonderful Kacey Musgraves singing her version of All Is Found.
Well back to the film, it is not bad, it is not great either it is just better than good, then add points for how beautiful it looks. Again, it is fun to see these characters again.
3 1/2 out of 5 for Frozen 2. Stay through the credits for a funny scene.

As an add on...I think the ending was suppose to be uplifting but I found it cold and a little sad. Which brings me to a concern....since Disney lost John Lassiter they have a problem in my opinion. He was a master at pulling at your heart....see UP...see Inside Out...see Toy Story 3. Toy Story 4 was good but it felt cold. The ending here...kind of the same. Disney may have a problem

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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