Sunday, January 27, 2019

New Film Review: They Shall Not Grow Old

Image result for they shall not grow old

 3 OUT OF 5

I wanted to like it more. Not saying it was bad, I am just saying I wanted to like it more.
I can break it down into 2 parts:
1-The odd thing is, this film is nothing different from what you can see on the History Channel.
Strangely it is not as organized as a show on the History Channel. The film gives no indication of passing of time, and the film does not give the viewer a map of where they are exactly. Yes I know this film was primarily made to be seen in Europe, so when they speak of small towns I am sure in Europe they know where the battle in the States....not so much. What it does do right with the clear pictures is make you feel as the viewer you are right in the middle of the battles. I ducked a couple times!! You are in the trenches.
2-Now for the most wonderful part!! After the film we follow Peter Jackson as he explains how he took old archived footage and cleaned it up. How he researched letters and books; and used lip readers to bring the soldiers to life. How he went through year of interviews with soldiers during the war, then Jackson along with his team made decisions on how to implement the actual voices of soldiers into the film.
The whole process is fascinating, and after watching this, I wish they would have flip flopped this. Maybe put the how they made the documentary on the front end and the viewers can watch the documentary knowing more detail on the back end.

It is interesting film and beautiful to look at. If you get a chance go see it. The documentary puts you in the the fields, in the trenches, in the small towns. 3 out of 5 stars.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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