Monday, January 7, 2019

New Film Review: Life Itself

Image result for life itself


2 1/2 STARS OUT OF 5

When I started this blog I noted I am doing this because I felt:
1- movie critics want you to know they are smarter than you.
2- They are sheep, so if a majority of the critics have certain opinion of a film, most likely a critic will fall in line.
3-Most important they forgot a film should be entertaining....not just pounding you over your head with an agenda.

Now I come to Life Itself which has been on the top ten list of many critics for the worst movie of the year. I disagree. I do not think it is a great film, but I do think it was good.
This film is shown in ...I think 5 parts. To be honest I wanted to bail on this after the 2nd part. I mean it was just depressing. Than in part 3 we follow a story line involving Antonio Banderas then dots start connecting and characters start developing and you start becoming vested, and you get the "feels". Out of nowhere this film works.
This what brought to the big screen from the people who did the TV show This Is Us. So you go to watch this for a little corny (and it delivers at the end, coincidence, but you go with it), and the "Feels", and it delivers what you want. So take that critics!!

Spoiler free so I cannot get into the plot but we follow, like This Is Us characters who are all pieces of a just takes awhile to get started.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time;.

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