Thursday, January 3, 2019

NEW FILM REVIEW: The Favourite

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3 1/2 OUT OF 5 STARS
The Favourite follows Queene Anne in the early 18th century as she struggles mentally. However she has help from Lady Sarah when making decisions. However Abigail arrives and messes with that relationship.
I heard a lot of Oscar buzz for this film going in.
I was  a bit worried because I am not a huge fan of the Director Yorgos Lanthimos. Critics loved The Lobster, I thought it was one of the worst films of 2015.
The Favourite is much better than The Lobster YEAAAAA!!
Rachel Weisz and Emma Stone are fantastic!
The script is interesting and entertaining, with a little humor thrown in.
The best for last: Olivia Colman as Queen Anne has to be a lock right now for an Oscar. She is just perfect.

With 3 1/2 stars, you know bad is coming. Lanthimos has to try to make sure you know how smart he is as always. This time by using strange camera angles and it looks like fish eye lenses, often making things look strangely dizzying. Then the ending was too abrupt leaving the viewers sitting there wondering.."Is that it?". I understand the...You get what you wished for ending, yet after 2 hours we deserved more. What happened to the characters going forward? It put a damper on the end.

Entertaining and sometimes funny and even odd...well worth a look.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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