Saturday, January 12, 2019

New Film Review: Roma

Image result for roma movie poster 2018


4 out of 5 stars

This film takes place in 1970's Mexico. It follows Cleo who acts as the maid and child care giver to a family who is going through personal turmoil, while Cleo is also dealing with her own personal turmoil. The film is taken from pure memory of Director Alfonso Cuaron life growing up in the Colonia Roma neighborhood of Mexico City .

Credit here goes to Cuaron who also acts as Cinematographer, this film is gorgeous!! The most beautiful looking film of the year for sure!! Filmed in black and white, almost a grey and white,
As for the story? Often I had trouble following it. I just went with it. Yes it takes awhile to follow what is going on; and I really did not understand the uprising part, I had to look it up that the battle was over land. Then after the movie I was just okay. Then the next day I could not stop thinking about it, the look and the leads grow on you.
The leads:
Yalitza Aparicio as Cleo does not say much. She is an observer, like us watching the film. We see what she sees. For someone that does not say much her eyes say so much. Her posture says so much. She is wonderful I don't think she should win an Oscar but is worthy of a nomination.
Marina De Tavirs as Sphia the head of the household. Sometimes flighty and sometimes on point...every time she is on the screen she steals the show. She deserves a supporting nomination!!

Why only 4 stars:
As much as I compliment Cuaron, who has to be the frontrunner for best director, he does borderline on pretentious with the camera. Staying way to long on shots like a puddle or waves or trees. Yes its beautiful but it gets in the way of storytelling, and that is where he lacks a bit, and at 2 hours and 10 minutes he could have used that time for more detail. Often we do not know the why's and the what's happening. It is a part of history we as the viewers do not know about...explain more please. He may have fell in love with the shots and the looks more than the story. Do not get me wrong, it is a good ,movie but often I am confused.
I do know one the end you do feel hope for all.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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