Wednesday, January 9, 2019

New Film Review: Second Act

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Second Act
2 Stars out of 5

It is a modern story of 1988's Working Girl with Melanie Griffith. minus the shoulder pads.
Unfortunately, not as good.
I really wanted to like this. We have not had a really good "Rom-Com" film in a loooong time.
This just fell kinda flat.
Jennifer Lopez is really good here...she is believable in the part. She also has good actors around her including Milo Ventimiglia; Leah Remini; Treat Williams; Vanessa Hudgens; and the very funny Charlyne Yi. Still the script just does not match the talent. It fell flat at the end. It was supposed to be emotional...I did not feel it. Often frustrating where she had opportunity to come clean and did not. Plus there was a strange competition that never rang true. Just disappointing.

Well acted with a couple laughs but just, sadly, okay.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time.

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