Wednesday, January 2, 2019

New Film Review Aquaman

Image result for aquaman


Surprisingly the story is entertaining. Also the actors are all in and well cast...Willem Dafoe; Amber Heard; Nicole Kidman; and Patrick Wilson are all very good, and most important they are all in for these ridiculous roles. However nothing works here without the great casting of Jason Momoa, he is believably tough and yet very funny.

Well that is all the good I can say about this film, OH BOY THERE IS BAD.

-The film is way too long, coming in at almost 2 hours and 30 minutes. I can not only think of 30 minutes to get cut to make it a 2 hour film...but I can almost think of an hour to be cut to make it an hour and a half without loosing that story line.
-The look is often dreadful. I know it is hard to make a film supposedly under water, however the special effects are real bad close to laughable. Also the costumes are often ridiculous, reminding me often of the fantastically bad 1980 Flash Gordon.
-The score!!!!!!!!!!!! It is hard to explain in a blog sound, but here the score is constantly playing trying constantly to generate tone, as if Director Wan knew he had a problem. Often I laughed when the score would go DADADA DUUUUMMMMMMMM, every time there was danger.
Please note, I am not going to get into the filmmakers feel they need to label everyplace the characters go to, knowing we may be too confused to figure it out.

Yes I ripped it a lot...but still I understand it was not meant for me, and families leaving still looked like they had a good time. I do believe we go back to what I noted first, the story really does work and that is why I gave it a little better than average score.

From the shadows as always thanks for your time

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